CM Punk UFC fight debut news: Lashley cheering for Punk to succeed

Bobby LashleyWikipedia

CM Punk is currently preparing for a yet-to-be-announced UFC debut, something that has so far draw mixed reactions.

Despite being a mixed martial artist and an experienced wrestler, there are those who feel that Punk (Phil Brooks) may find the octagon a totally new battleground to survive. Punk is trying to make the successful shift that Brock Lesnar did some years back but thus far critics and fans are divided.

One guy who has been through the MMA and the WWE is Bobby Lashley. And though they did not really cross paths during their time in the WWE, the American mixed martial arts expert and current TNA wrestler wishes Punk all the best as far as his UFC aspirations is concerned.

If he had his way on properly breaking in Punk before making his UFC debut, it would be best to see the former WWE champion face someone in an actual fight. His opponent doesn't have to be someone popular but someone who is capable of somehow showing Punk what MMA fighting is really about.

Jumping from the WWE to the UFC is of course easier said than done. Knowing how to fight is one thing but there are a lot of maneuvers inside the octagon which Punk may find new and well, punishing. Lashley has had his share of that before jumping to the WWE so he knows his stuff.

When asked on what tips he could give Punk, Lashley seemed to be at a loss for words. A take down? That seems easier said than done considering his potential opponent may likely be wise to that move.

He did share one important tip –don't rely solely on his hands. Apparently a lot of fighters are good at using their hands inside the octagon so Punk may have to use his other extremities to successfully get through his first UFC fight, whenever that may be.