CM Punk: WWE CEO Vince McMahon apologizes to CM Punk for firing him on wedding day

WWE Chairman Vince McMahonWikipedia

Just days after wrestling bad boy C.M. Punk exposed that WWE served him his termination papers on his wedding day, Chairman Vince McMahon issued an apology for firing him during one of the most important events of his life. 

"I would like to do this. I would like to apologize. Sometimes in a big corporation, the legal people don't necessarily know what talent relations are doing and conversely. Punk got his severance papers moreover on the day he got married. That was coincidence. So I want to personally apologize for that," the WWE CEO said during his interview with Stone Cold Steve Austin. 

The public apology happened right after Monday Night Raw on Dec. 1. 

Chairman McMahon also mentioned that he would gladly work with the longest-reigning WWE champion of this generation even if Punk has already declared all his grievances about the company in one of his recent podcast. 

"I think there's a lot of things he may say that he may regret one day, in terms of looking back at it, but nonetheless, I hope that one day, we'll be able to get back together again," Chairman McMahon said. 

Besides the issue involving C.M. Punk, the WWE chairman and CEO talked about a lot of stuff about the wrestling enterprise, including the plans to come up with a network expansion in England early next year. 

McMahon and Austin also discussed about the dwindling talent pool in WWE, since the wrestler thought that there are not enough qualified men in the line-up today. The chairman said that he believes that Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, and Roman Reigns are good wrestlers, yet he believes that the new generation of WWE wrestlers are too insecure and are lacking in ambition.