CNNV Launches New Resource "Respecting Children"

The Churches Network for Non-Violence (CNNV) has launched a new resource Friday called “Respecting Children,” in support of the Church’s teaching that ‘physical punishment is wrong’ and that ‘children should be treated with respect, love and non-violence.’

|TOP|Considering the difference between punishment and discipline, the handbook “Respecting Children” explores the rights and needs of 21st Century children, and addresses alternatives to smacking.

One of the key aims of the new resource is to encourage people to campaign actively and contribute towards ending legalised violence against children. The handbook, which discusses practical ways of creating non-violent environments, will be used through local churches, leaders, carers, children’s organisations, educators.

Steve Pearce, Children’s Secretary for the Methodist Church, says: “If we don’t reflect on the effect that our adult way of life is having on children, we are neglecting our responsibility to that generation. We need to think about children more, and this is a rich resource to help us do that thinking and achieve a more respectful world. Respecting Children will help many groups take their thinking and action further”.

Peter Newell, co-ordinator of the Children Are Unbeatable! Alliance bringing together more than 400 organisations including the Methodist Church, said: "Christians and members of other faiths are at the heart of the broad and fast-growing campaign for children's human right to equal protection from assault. This welcome new resource shows that children are people with human rights to physical integrity and human dignity just like the rest of us.”