'Code Vein' news: Bandai Namco officially reveals first trailer for upcoming vampire game

YouTube/Bandai Namco Entertainment America
Screengrab from the first "Code Vein" trailer.

Bandai Namco has unveiled the first gameplay trailer for the upcoming vampire game, "Code Vein."

In April, the studio made waves online after posting a mysterious animated teaser for an upcoming game. No word about the title or description was revealed, and the only clue was the hashtag #PrepareToDine. Bandai Namco eventually announced the title on April 20, and released the game's first trailer earlier this week.

Based on the short trailer, "Code Vein" appears to be significantly influenced by Bandai Namco's famed "Dark Souls" franchise. The company made the first connection to the hit series when it teased the project last month. "Prepare to dine" is clearly a play on the "Dark Souls" tagline "Prepare to die."

Engadget points out that the game borrows some elements from the anime, including its melodramatic background music and uniquely designed characters. Further giving it an anime feel is the ominous voice over and the capital letter words on the screen. In addition, the trailer offers a glimpse at the game's companion feature. Players can invite a partner into the game world and tackle various enemies. Now that "Dark Souls" is officially over, many believe that the upcoming title can somehow fill the void in gamers' hearts.

Set in the not too distant future, "Code Vein" explores a mysterious phenomenon that left the world in ruins. Skyscrapers that were once symbols of prosperity have turned into graves.

"At the center of the destruction lies a hidden society of Revenants called Vein. This final stronghold is where the remaining few fight to survive, blessed with Gifts of power in exchange for their memories and a thirst for blood. Give into the bloodlust fully and risk becoming one of the Lost, fiendish ghouls devoid of any remaining humanity," reads the official game description.

Published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, "Code Vein" is expected to be released in 2018.