'Code Vein' news: Latest trailer showcases in-game footage

A promotional poster for the JRPG video game by Bandai Namco, 'Code Vein.'Facebook/BandaiNamcoUS

Bandai Namco has been consistently churning out great titles in recent years. Most recently, the developers and game publishers have released a brand new trailer for their upcoming role playing game (RPG), "Code Vein." A lot of critics seem to be ogling at the game's unique visuals, story, and the Japanese anime style art work. However, the more important question is: is the gameplay any good?

In a report by PlayStation Lifestyle, the one and a half minute trailer that was just recently released showed mostly in-game footage, as well as some cut scenes injected here and there to show off the game's full spectrum of visuals. With a groovy track playing to the unique art style as well as the blood and gore, "Code Vein" is looking to be a well hyped game that could potentially generate a lot of buzz.

This is also very well supported by the intermittent dropping of praise in the form of quotes in the trailer — most of which allude to how promising the title is going to be. According to The Nerd Mag, the style of gameplay that "Code Vein" is about to offer could very well rival that of the notoriously difficult RPG, "Dark Souls." The trailer even shows multiple weapons as well as gigantic enemies that players will have to dispatch in their campaign.

The Japanese anime art style and the character designs might fool some players at the start, but "Code Vein" is meant to be every bit as difficult as "Dark Souls" in its own right and approach. Comic Book has also stated that the narrative could also be a little difficult to swallow, describing it as "unforgiving." Though not many details regarding the game's plot has been revealed, from the looks of it the plot is most assuredly dark.

"Code Vein" will be released sometime in 2018 for the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One, and the Windows PC.