CofE approves new online library of visual and video resources for worship

Innovative new video material may soon be available for fresh expressions of church following a landmark decision at the Church of England’s General Synod this week.

A private member’s motion was passed unanimously encouraging the Archbishops’ Council to identify sources of funding for the production of an online library of visual and video resources for worship.

The aim is to help hard-pressed church leaders use creative material in both mission and congregational contexts.

Proposing the motion, Rev Richard Moy, a pioneer minister based in Wolverhampton, said that there were many people creating imaginative electronic material for worship and there was an urgent need to make that material easily available to others.

He added that although there were a number of websites already making video clips available for download, they often originated outside a British context and were aimed at a very narrow audience.

The proposal, which has the support of Fresh Expressions and the Liturgical Commission of the Church of England, was also welcomed by synod member Vera Hunt.

Speaking through an interpreter, Ms Hunt said that deaf Anglicans would welcome a significant increase in visual worship material.

She said that often the sort of video sequences shown in church often relied on "too many words" and she looked forward to the production of powerful images and sequences which would help Christians who are deaf to worship in fresh ways.

Norman Ivison, former television producer and now Director of Communication and Resources for Fresh Expressions, welcomed the move.

“Synod was unanimous in encouraging this new way of sharing the Christian faith and mission is clearly at the forefront of synod’s mind,” he said.

“We increasingly live in a visual age and word and image need to go hand in hand as we try and reach those people normally well off the Church’s radar.”