Colorado baker appeals court ruling forcing him to make same-sex wedding cakes even if this violates his religious beliefs

Christian baker Jack Phillips conducts business inside his Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado.(CBS 4 screenshot)

A Christian baker in Colorado has filed an appeal to overturn a court ruling that ordered him to make wedding cakes to same-sex couples even if this would violate his religious beliefs.

Baker Jack Philips of Masterpiece Cake Shop has filed a writ of certiorari with the Colorado Court of Appeals after the same court upheld a lower court decision against him that said making a cake for the same-sex ceremony is not an endorsement of same-sex marriage.

"Nothing in the record supports the conclusion that a reasonable observer would interpret Masterpiece's providing a wedding cake for a same-sex couple as an endorsement of same-sex marriage rather than a reflection of its desire to conduct business in accordance with Colorado's public accommodations law," the appeals court ruled, according to Christian News Network.

Phillips filed an appeal through his attorneys at the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) to maintain his stand that he does not accept cake orders that violate his Christian beliefs.

"Phillips ... honours God through his creative work by declining to use his artistic talents to design and create cakes that violate his religious beliefs. This includes cakes with offensive written messages and cakes celebrating events or ideas that violate his beliefs, including cakes celebrating Halloween, anti-American or anti-family themes, atheism, racism or indecency," according to the filing.

It added that "(Phillips) also will not create cakes with hateful, vulgar, or profane messages, or sell any products containing alcohol. Consistent with this long-time practice, Phillips also will not create cakes celebrating any marriage that is contrary to biblical teaching...."

ADF Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy Tedesco contended that "the freedom to live and work consistently with one's faith is at the heart of what it means to be an American."

"We are asking the Colorado Supreme Court to ensure that government understands that its duty is to protect the people's freedom to follow their beliefs personally and professionally, not force them to violate those beliefs as the price of earning a living," he said.

Same-sex couple Dave Mullin and Charlie Craig went to Masterpiece Cake Shop in Lakewood, Colorado in July 2012 for their upcoming same-sex ceremony celebration.

Phillips told them that he does not make cakes for same-sex ceremonies.

"My first comment was, 'We're getting married,' and he just shut that down immediately," Craig stated.

Phillips said he does not make cakes for such occasions because of his Christian convictions.

"I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, and I believe that the relationship is not something that He looks favourably on. If Jesus was a carpenter, He wouldn't make a bed for this union," he said.

The same-sex couple filed a complaint against him with the Colorado Human Rights Commission with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

In December 2013, Judge Robert Spencer ruled against Phillips.