Compass Rose Society meets in London

|PIC1|Anglicans from the USA, Canada, Europe and Hong Kong have gathered in St Andrew's House, London for the annual meeting of the Compass Rose Society.

Members of the group give significant financial support to the
work of the Anglican Communion, the Secretariat and ministries of the
Anglican Consultative Council.

The President, Bishop Philip Poole from the Diocese of Toronto, Canada - welcomed new members at the opening session and outlined the 2 day programme which includes a visit to Lambeth Palace and time with the Archbishop of Canterbury.

|PIC2|The programme ends with Compline in the historic chapel with music and a homily by the Rev Richard Lord.

Some of the members will move on to Salisbury Cathedral for a study
weekend hosted the Bishop and Dean of the cathedral. Bishop Poole will preach at the Sunday Eucharist in the Cathedral.