Compassion Children Affected by Fever Outbreak in India

The families of children sponsored through Christian charity Compassion are among those affected by the outbreak of a rare viral fever in India.

Church project workers are now appealing to the Indian Government to spray mosquito repellent in fever hotspots in the southern Indian state of Kerala in an effort to stem the outbreak.

According to reports from Compassion's India office, the members of around 174 families of Compassion-assisted children Kattachira have been diagnosed with the chikungunya fever, which is caused by the mosquito.

None of the children have themselves been infected with the illness so far but in many instances the children's parents and caregivers have caught the fever, which brings out high fevers, joint pain and rashes in its victims.

Although the chikungunya fever is generally not fatal, it takes a large financial toll on the family as the infected parents and caregivers, who are often employed as day labourers, are now confined to their homes and therefore unable to earn the money needed to feed their children.

Compassion said that the infected were bedridden and that their conditions were worsening because of a lack of food.

Church project workers have been asked by the Compassion India office to distribute food kits among the affected families, which would include rice, lentils, sugar and mosquito nets.

There are also plans to provide the affected families with training and education on the virus, and what they can do to prevent infection through environmental cleanliness and good hygiene practices.

Compassion India appealed for prayer for the families affected by the outbreak and a speedy recovery.