Concern over reported plans for mega mosque near Olympics site

Christians are being asked to pray as a planning inquiry considers whether a controversial Islamic sect can continue to use a site close to the London Olympic village as a place of worship.

Tablighi Jamaat has been using the site as a mosque for the last four years without planning permission.

It is contesting an enforcement notice issued by Newham Council in early 2010 ordering the group to stop using the site for worship.

A meeting with the Government's Planning Inspector opened at Newham Town Hall last night and is expected to continue for another week.

A statement issued on behalf of the group’s trustees said: “They are appealing against the enforcement notice as the local community requires temporary use of a venue at which it can continue to worship while plans are progressed for permission for a mixed use development to include a worship facility on the site.”

Christian Concern has waged a lengthy campaign against the group’s reported plans to build a mega mosque with a capacity of 12,000 on the site.

It is asking Christians to pray that any planning permission for such a centre will not be granted.

Andrea Minichiello Williams, director of Christian Concern, explained the group's concerns.

"A mosque is not just a place of worship, it is a power base, where particular ideologies are promoted," she said.

"Some of these mosques are focal points for extremist preaching.

"They have been used across the world as places where jihad is instigated and encouraged."

CORRECTION ADDED 10/02/2011: Christian Today incorrectly reported that the planning meeting being held this week was to determine whether planning permission should be granted to Tablighi Jamaat to build a so-called mega mosque on the site. This has been contested by trustees of the site, who state that the meeting is to determine whether the enforcement notice should be overturned. The article and title have been amended to reflect this.