Conference to Bring Together Christian Abuse and Addiction Workers

Christian organisation ISAAC, the International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition, is to hold its fourth international conference later this year on the theme of Faith, Family and the Future of Addiction Care.

ISAAC facilitates the development of peer support networks for people who are involved in addiction-related work, to encourage cooperation and the sharing of resources, training and expertise.

Through the conference, to take place from 14 to 17 October, ISAAC will bring together Christian care workers and organisations worldwide to share expertise and training.

All individuals and organisations taking part are involved in care for addicts, HIV and Aids sufferers from a Christian perspective.

ISAAC was formally born in 1997 at a gathering of over 70 leaders from around the world who had a heart for people with addiction related problems. Ten years on, ISAAC has over 400 members and 2,500 contacts in 55 countries.

The conference will be held at the Isaac-member De Hoop Foundation at Dordrecht in the Netherlands, a Christian centre for addiction care and social care.

Dutch vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Youth & Family André Rouvoet will open the conference. He will be joined by several internationally renowned speakers during the conference, including Dr E James Wilder, known for the development of the Life Model.

During the conference, ISAAC will also celebrate its tenth anniversary.