'Conker's Big Reunion' asset pack coming to 'Project Spark'

"Conker Live & Reloaded" (2005)[Wikipedia]

Video game developer Team Dakota recently announced on IGN that they would be releasing a new "Conker" game as well as "Conker" asset packs for their video game creator software, "Project Spark." Both the episodic game and the asset packages will be available on April 23 separately or bundled together on the "Project Spark" marketplace. 

Titled "Conker's Big Reunion," the game will utilize the "Project Spark" engine and will be an episodic series occurring 10 years after the events in "Conker's Bad Fur Day." Just like the previous game, the episodic series will feature adult-centered humor mixed with action-adventure platforming. 

Henry Sterchi, Team Dakota creative director, confirmed that Rare, the development studio behind the original "Conker" title, gave all the necessary assets for "Project Spark." This includes music files, Chris Seavor as the voice for Conker, and more. 

"Rare gave us all the original assets we've needed, including the original music. Pretty much everything from tone, to scenarios, to music, etc. Rare has given feedback and help all along the way, it's been tremendous," he stated

"Project Spark" players will have access to over 300 "Conker Creation Pack" assets to make their own game based on the series. The episodic series will be a showcase of what players will be able to create once the asset pack is released. 

However, this does not mean that Rare is developing a new "Conker" video game at the moment. According to VideoGamer.com, Xbox head Phil Spencer confirmed that there are currently no plans for a Rare-developed "Conker" game, but the character's appearance on "Project Spark" wouldn't limit its own future solo titles so the possibility still remains plausible. 

This will also be the first time that an external IP will be featured in "Project Spark," opening the doors forcharacters and asset packs to be offered as DLC content in the future.