Conservative Anglicans Launch 'New Global Coalition'

Conservative Anglican leaders around the world established a “new global coalition” that binds like-minded networks within the Anglican Communion, during a recent meeting in Oxford. The new coalition, named “The Anglican Mainstream International (AMI),” is the first global body that unites conservative networks of Anglicans who call against gay clergy and gay “blessing rites” within the 77-million member Communion.

“We are delighted to announce that Anglican church leaders from across the world meeting recently in Oxford have agreed to set up a new global coalition to facilitate the work of existing networks working to promote the world-wide gospel ministry of the Anglican church,” wrote the American Anglican Council.

Bishop Wallace Benn of Lewes and President of the Church of England Evangelical Council also applauded the formation of the AMI, calling the coalition a “vital” network for the Communion in a “critical moment.”

“At this critical moment in the life of the Communion it is vital that those of orthodox faith and practice should work together and network on a Communion-wide basis. This is essential for the mission and evangelism to which we are called. I warmly and enthusiastically welcome this essential development.”

Both the American Anglican Council and the Church of England Evangelical Council are partners of the AMI.

According to the AMI website, the new coalition will act as “a community within the Anglican Communion committed to promote, teach and maintain the Scriptural truths on which the Anglican Church was founded and which guarantee its catholicity.”

“As a global coalition to promote the world-wide gospel ministry of the Anglican church, Anglican Mainstream has close links with other organisations and networks committed to promoting and defending those scriptural truths. Only on the basis of and in obedience to those divinely-revealed truths can our mission and service to a hurting and needy world flourish,” the introductory statement continued.

The AMI name takes after Anglican Mainstream UK – the network of organisations within the United Kingdom who have been fighting to protect the traditional Anglican teachings in the nation.

Other groups in the International coalition includes: The Anglican Communion in New Westminster, the Essentials Federation and Network in Canada, the Anglican Communion Institute and Anglican Mainstream South Africa.

Representatives from each of the networks will oversee the AMI steering committee. To date, the committee consists of: Dr Philip Giddings (UK), Mrs Diane Knippers (USA), Canon David Anderson (American Anglican Council USA), Revd David Short (Anglican Communion in New Westminster, Canada), Bishop Wallace Benn (UK), Professor Oliver O’Donovan (Oxford, UK), Professor Christopher Seitz (Anglican Communion Institute) Rev Charlie Masters (Essentials Federation and Network, Canada), and Canon Dave Doveton (Anglican Mainstream South Africa).

Pauline J. Chang
Ecumenical Press