Conservative Anglicans Release Repair the Tear Response to Windsor Report

The Anglican Mainstream, a conservative network within the Anglican Communion, released a lengthy response to the Windsor Report, entitled, "Repair the Tear." The statement not only assesses and summarises the Windsor Report, but provides a guideline of actions for bishops and archbishops to consider during their upcoming international gathering in February.

In an executive summary of "repair the tear," members of the Anglican Mainstream commended the Windsor Report on several points.

"We share with the authors of the Windsor Report a vision of a worldwide Anglican Communion committed to mission and unity," the summary began. "We identify a great deal in the Report which is to be warmly welcomed—especially in its positive and unambiguous vision of Anglicanism—not as a culturally-determined liberal Protestant sect, but as both evangelical and catholic in the best senses of those terms."

However, the report notes "the fact that the deeper problems underlying our current sickness stem from a departure in some form from Scripture."

It also says the Windsor Report has "some ambiguities in its wording (leading to incompatible interpretations being offered—even by members of the Commission); analysis that is insufficiently thorough; and practical recommendations that are inconsistent or inadequate."

Echoing the concerns of numerous conservative leaders in the Communion, the report also noted that the Windsor report was not clear on its encouragement of the U.S. to repent.

There is a "lack of clarity about how 'regret' relates to 'repentance' and how it is to be expressed; The reticence to provide a theological analysis in terms of sin and a remedy in terms of discipline; and The flawed analysis and critique of those who have intervened in order to protect the orthodox in other provinces."

In lieu of these prevailing unresolved issues, the Anglican Mainstream called "for certain actions by the Primates when they meet in February in order that the "tear in the fabric" of the Communion may be repaired – an outcome we strongly desire."

Specifically, the report asked that the Primates "reaffirm clearly and defend the Anglican teaching on sexuality as expressed in Lambeth I.10," and "confirm that statements of 'regret' must signify the 'repentance' necessary for true reconciliation and so include a commitment not to repeat the actions."

Pauline J. Chang
Ecumenical Press