Content and Millennials – How to manage your SEO to matter to millennials


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Any discussion related to the digital world inevitably brings in the mention of millennials. However, there's much discussion, and sometimes debate, on who exactly is a millennial. Many people have tried to define this term in their own way. Generally speaking, the term millennial indicates those people who touched their adulthood at the turn of the 21st century. Let's shell out some more details. The birth year that signifies the millennial is between 1976 and 2004. The date usually varies slightly from one researcher or media outlet to the other. It's the millennial that forms almost a quarter of America's population today.

Regarding online or offline content, a millennial differs in consuming online information compared to their predecessors. This is all thanks to online technologies that occurred in the 90's. They helped shape a huge part of their identity in the world, characterized by the internet, social media, and Smartphones.

What makes a millennial a class apart?

In comparison to their elders, millennials tend to trust suggestions and recommendations that strangers make. A millennial is comfortable with User-Generated-Content. And this comprises of videos, comments, pictures and also online reviews and testimonials. Today, over 93% of the online shopping population reads online reviews before purchasing something brand new.

And, today it's not a surprise keeping in mind sites like Yelp and online spaces like Google reviews to showcase brand experiences in places like New York for example. Gone are the days when a brand would have had the final word. Millennials look to their peers and friends to find out about the real value of a product, service or concept. Do you want a professional local SEO agency to help you understand which Search Engine Optimization tactics in Long Island to use for millennials today? If yes, then a Long Island SEO Company is a good choice.

A millennial can read

According to the latest research done by Previous Research Center, which has become crucial today, a typical millennial wants to read the news and not watch. It took a lot of time today to get there. This difference underlines the importance of online mediums when you are planning a marketing strategy. For example, the online readers usually scan the content.

Marketing to the millennial group in a better way

It will not be wrong or misleading to say that a millennial is a least engaged consumer today. Almost a count of less than 7% is known as a brand loyalist. It doesn't imply that you can't market them anything. Instead, you merely need to tweak your SEO approach somewhat differently. Discussed below are a couple of essential SEO tactics you can use to make your millennial read online content.

Ensure that all your content is mobile-friendly

Today, around 94% of millennials situated in the U.S. make use of a Smartphone. And about 46% of these users are aged people.

This makes your content perfect for the mobile device. This trend also increases mobile sales. Today, detailed mobile content helps individuals read their best articles online and also make a price comparison, inquire about product availability and many more.

Set up user personas

You can say Millennials are one of the most diverse generations in US history. So, if you are planning to market to them as one uniform group, then that's a grave mistake. Still, several companies have done so in the past. And this, in turn, had resulted in tone-deaf campaigns. It's essential to stop stereotyping millennial users. You can integrate your user personas in your entire marketing strategy. Furthermore, personas effectively help in generating the content. They also make sure that your brand messaging syncs in well with the customer tastes and preferences.

It's essential you have skim-able content

Today, a huge chunk of the millennial demographic prefers to read online. It's the reason why a new age website should be skim-able and also to the point. What does this indicate? To explain in simple terms, it means to resort to the use of shorter paragraphs, better points, sub-headings and much more. It's essential to get the copywriting better.

Leverage your customer views and reports

Compelling customer input will always work in favor of the millennial. It helps them to make the correct buying decision. Therefore, it is apt if we add in user reviews to the overall marketing strategy. Also, the customers don't just get caught up in making a purchasing decision suddenly, and there are advantages for the same as well, for instance:

  • Starts off with customer engagement
  • Developing online visibility
  • Offering a platform for customer satisfaction

You also need to take part in Google reviews. The main objective is to increase businesses related to SEO and also enhance web presence. When you take part in these channels, you'll find reviews offer great scope to enhance your business.

Addressing millennials in marketing requires careful analysis of how they think and their online behavioral trends. This analysis needs to be done often. You'll then realize that the millennial does read like most online users and decides which product(s) or service(s) to buy. If you want to talk about your business to the millennial demographic, then you can opt-in for the four useful strategies discussed above.