CPAS seeks out people called to ordained ministry

CPAS has launched a new guide to support clergy as they guide people in their midst who feel called to ordained ministry.

‘Exploring Call’ has been written by the Rev Mark Norris, CPAS leadership development adviser for vocations, to help clergy when they are approached by members of their congregation considering ordination.

Rev Norris said vicars had a key role to play in helping young people discover their calling.

“Clergy have the real privilege of being the gatekeeper for those considering their vocation. There are incredible opportunities in helping them discover where God is leading them, as well as great dangers in discouraging someone from exploring their call,” he said.

“This is especially important for younger people, who sometimes have the experience of just being told to ‘go away and do something else’ until they’re older.

“Today, when only one per cent of full-time clergy in the Church of England are under 30, vicars have a great opportunity to help more young people realise their potential.”

Rev Norris attributed his own ordination at the age of 25 to his vicar taking him seriously as a young teenager and actively encouraging him to explore his vocation.

“[The vicar] found simple ways to involve me in the ministry of the church and gave me the confidence to believe I had something to offer,” he recalls.

Rev Norris said there was a need to generate a “more vocational culture in churches” in which lay leaders could develop and it was recognised that all Christians are called by God.

The free guide includes a biblical perspective on vocation, extracts from the Ordinal and an outline of the selection procedure, and a summary of the Ministry Division’s selection criteria.

It follows the successful launch of CPAS’ online tool, S.H.A.P.E., which helps Christians considering a call from God to explore their giftings, personality and abilities.

Exploring Call can be downloaded at