Cranmer Hall "Saddened" over Howard No Ordination Claims

The Church of England training college Cranmer Hall has expressed its sadness after it was attacked by the former Conservative Party leader's son for what he saw as its key role in his being refused ordination.

Nick Howard, the son of former Tory leader Michael Howard, completed his theology degree just this summer but was refused ordination for what was described in a Mail on Sunday article as his "unwillingness to listen" to others' viewpoints.

Speaking to the newspaper, Howard suggested his strong evangelical beliefs on issues such as homosexuality and multifaith worship had led to him being branded as a "troublemaker".

Cranmer Hall, within St John's College in Durham University, did not respond publicly on the specific question of why Howard was not recommended for ordination due to pastoral sensitivity and "respect for the former student concerned", but highlighted that the ultimate decision on recommendation remained with the Diocesan Bishop.

"In this situation however the College would like to make clear that it rejoices in its evangelical heritage and identity, which encompasses the belief in the supreme authority of Holy Scripture and the uniqueness and supremacy of Jesus Christ," read the statement by the Principal of St John's College, the Rev Dr David Wilkinson, and the Warden at Cranmer Hall, Canon Anne Dyer.

"We are therefore saddened by misleading claims that Cranmer Hall does not clearly affirm that evangelical position or indeed official Anglican doctrine in matters of sexual ethics or ministry in a multi-faith context," they added.

The statement went on to express the support of the college for the House of Bishops 1991 Statement Issues in Human Sexuality and said that the college encouraged staff and students to be "committed to listening to the experience of homosexual persons" in accordance with the Lambeth Conference 1998 Resolution 1.10c.

Nick Howard attacked the college for its liberal viewpoints in the article by the Mail on Sunday, also claiming that an ethics tutor at the college "was saying publicly that you can be in a gay sexual relationship and follow Christ. That is incompatible with the teaching of the New Testament."