Creation DVD encourages faith debate

The DVD release of cinema hit Creation includes free resources for use in Christian educational ministry.

The move by film distributors Icon is a first for Damaris Trust, the educational ministry that produced the resources.

Author Nick Spencer features in seven short clips, ‘Digging Deeper into Darwin’, while in other clips leading academics consider different views on issues raised in the film.

"This is the first time our resources have been endorsed and made available on a secular DVD release," said Nick Pollard, founder of Christian educational charity the Damaris Trust.

We published them online when Creation went on general release. We are delighted that Icon, the film's distributors, saw value in schools and church groups discussing issues raised in this excellent film - the existence of a creator God, evolution, humanity, suffering and faith."

The three scientists featured are Dr Denis Alexander, a theistic evolutionist and director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion at St Edmunds College in Cambridge; Prof Andy McIntosh, professor of thermodynamics and combustion theory at the University of Leeds, a young earth creationist speaking in a personal capacity; and Prof. Lewis Wolpert, a developmental biologist at University College, London, who represents the views of atheists/humanists.

Creation stars Paul Bettany as the naturalist Charles Darwin, as it charts his personal struggle to reconcile his scientific beliefs on the origin of species with his love for his devout Christian wife and the impact the death of his 10-year-old daughter has on his belief in God.

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