Criminals-Turned-Christian in New Initiative to Reduce London Gun Crime

A new project, which will operate in the London Boroughs of Hackney and Waltham Forest during July, is looking to play a major role in combating the gun and knife culture, gangs, criminality and violent behaviour currently prevalent in British society.

|TOP|TRUCE is an initiative comprised of a group of reformed thugs, former gang members and drug dealers from the US who have found faith in following Christian teachings.

Using their life experiences, group leaders will attempt to deter inner city youth from violent and destructive lifestyles and instead encourage them to use their talents and skills positively and become role models for their peers.

Throughout July, the TRUCE team, who have been invited to London by the Metropolitan Police, will visit housing estates in Hackney and Waltham Forest to demonstrate their dance, singing and rapping skills, give motivational talks, and have on-to-one sessions with young people at risk. They will also visit schools and community groups with the aim of giving young people a sense of hope and self worth.

TRUCE has experienced great success in America, and following this, various organisations are supporting their visit to Britain, in the hope that their success will be replicated. Supporting organisations include Connexions, Youth Inclusion Projects, The Learning Trust, The Hackney Youth Offenders Team, Assemblies of God, The New Testament Church of God, Parkside Youth Club, Teen Challenge, Increase the Peace, Baptist Church, Kingsway International Christian Centre, London City Mission, UCKG, The Anglican Church, Soul in the City, Street Pastors and Christian Life City.

Metropolitan Police Officer Leroy Logan, Superintendent of the Hackney Borough Police said, “The destructiveness caused by the growing culture of violence, drugs, guns and gangs in our society has become all too pervasive, as the current media focus on knife crime has highlighted.”

|AD|Logan continued, “The police constantly look for effective ways to reduce crime levels and believe that inviting organisation like TRUCE can serve as a force for positive change to deter young people from crime. The support of community stakeholders for this project means that young people will get the full range of support they need, whether its counselling, help with finding work, emotional support to fulfil their potential and live productive lives.”

TRUCE is an anagram which stands for To Reach Urban Communities Every.

The initiative is a sister organisation of Nicky Crux Ministries. Nicky Cruz is an evangelist and the author of the classic book, Run Baby Run. Cruz was a former member of one of New York’s most notorious gangs The Mau Maus until his conversion to Christianity in the 1950s. He now travels the world, preaching the gospel.

Dez Brown, a Youth pastor and Project Coordinator for TRUCE in Waltham Forest commented, "I am confident that a holistic approach to addressing problems of gangs and criminality is the way forward. Real life stories, of young people turning their lives around, from bad situations, are powerful tools and a means of identifying with young people; we need to give them tangible hope. As a borough we have a great opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young people. Statutory and voluntary organisations need to work together on this initiative."

Peter Jordan, the TRUCE project co-ordinator stated, “I have been overwhelmed with the support various organisations have given this initiative. These organisations have seen the need and have realised that the answer is found in themselves working in partnership to make a difference. In every young person there is huge potential which we believe will be unlocked as this project develops”