Crossing 'the Jesus bridge' in Ukraine
We have just spent a wonderful week with our Mercy Projects UK team at a summer camp at the Hearts of Love special needs children's centre in Konotop, Ukraine.
Each day we have been able to share the love of Christ with these wonderful children and now we have come to the end of our stay and are preparing to head back to the UK.
At one of closing events, we showed the children how they can cross "the Jesus bridge" and become His friend.
We showed them how a church lady, a priest and even Lena director of the Hearts of Love Center can't cross "the Jesus bridge" in their own strength, but only once they'd ask Him into their lives.
The next part is always my highlight of the camp, when we lead the children in the prayer of asking for forgiveness and accepting Jesus in their lives.
Their simple child-like faith is so evident as they close their eyes and hold their hands together to pray. Of course some of the older ones get a bit embarrassed and joke around, but we know the seeds of the Gospel have been sown in their lives. As ever this camp has gone way too fast.
All throughout this latest afternoon the children were practising their dances and songs for the grand finale concert for tomorrow afternoon.
It's been so special seeing my daughter Anna teaching a number of the girls a dance to the Crystal Lewis song God's Been Good to Me and I can't wait to see them perform this.
We just had an amazing evening kayaking and enjoying a picnic at the nearby lake and it was wonderful to see young Darynka, who is unable to walk, enjoying a ride on the lake with her father and best friend.
As we sadly have prepared to leave, we hope more of these precious children will also cross "the Jesus bridge".