Crusade for World Revival to Celebrate 40th Anniversary with Selwyn Hughes

The Crusade for World Revival (CWR) Ministries is going to celebrate its 40th anniversary on 10th September. Founded by Selwyn Hughes, the world renowned British Christian devotional writer, there is now an opportunity to look back with gratitude to God over the past 40 years as well as sharing the visions for the next 10 years through the celebratory event.

The main ministries of CWR include Christian publication, offering training to nurture Christian leaders and ministers, as well as operating a Conference Centre. Throughout the last four decades, the greatest achievement of the ministry was the publication of the Every Day with Jesus devotional written by Selwyn Hughes.

Selwyn Hughes was a minister in England and Wales. He started writing his daily reading notes on the back of postcards for a few members of his congregation. With a vision to bring God’s Word into everyday life and relationships, Hughes founded the CWR in 1965.

Every Day with Jesus devotional is published and distributed across the world. Nearly half a million people around the world read the words of Selwyn Hughes every day. CWR is also known for setting the highest standards in Christian counselling training and Selwyn continues to travel the world supporting many churches.

The famous evangelist Luis Palau says, "The writings of Selwyn Hughes have been an essential part of my ministry for many years. They carry a combination of spiritual wisdom and personal relevance not often seen. He is indeed a gifted man of God."

At the CWR headquarters in the Waverley Abbey House, Farnham, Surrey, England, a celebration will be held on 10th September.

There will be worship and presentations featuring insights from key seminars in the life of CWR whilst looking ahead and presenting the vision for the next 10 years. At the Evening Celebration Selwyn Hughes will give a special address. Guests from the UK and overseas include Huw Priday, Welsh opera singer, Nia, Christian singer and songwriter and Susan Lenzkes, author of the Quiet Time poems in EDWJ.