Crusaders Centenary Steam Special

At our disposal a vintage steam train will run from Havenstreet at approx 1 30 p.m. to Smallbrook Junction,(where Island Line former L.T. tube trains can be seen) then west again through Havenstreet to the line's terminus at the woody Wootton Station. From there we will travel back to Havenstreet Station. There will then be a chance to explore the Carriage Shed and Loco Shed!

The splendid shop and the museum will also be opened to us. It is also hoped that teas/coffee will be available - but the restaurant will not be available for meals. There is also a woodland walk should anyone feel like a wander to stretch their legs, and a play area for children.The loco may even wear an official Crusader Headboard.

Sponsorship has been promised so we are asking for £2 a ticket per individual, which is astonishingly cheap as you can imagine. I do hope you will be able to come on the Excursion - or at least publicise its availability. The more folk we have the better.

For tickets and travel details email: or snail mail
Mr. N. Spencer, Freshwater, 357 Main Rd., Dovercourt Bay, Harwich, Essex. CO12 4DN

Crusader legend Cecil J Allen arranged a multitude of magnificent 'Crusader Special' railway excursions over many years. Our ‘Centenary Special' on the Isle of Wight this year, whilst not in the same league as those of yesterday, nevertheless will celebrate Crusaders old and new, past and present who make Crusaders who we are today. We hope to become one more piece of a long and successful history - and you are so welcome to be part of that.

Every Blessing,
Nigel Spencer. (Chairman, National Crusaders Council)