Crytek sues team behind "Star Citizen" for alleged breach of contract

Screenshot from the "Star Citizen" trailerYouTube/Star Citizen

German video game software developer Crytek is suing the team behind the sci-fi multiplayer game, "Star Citizen." It appears that Crytek is suing the team for breach of contract and copyright infringement.

According to Polygon, if the case is pursued, there is a possibility that "Star Citizen" and its release will once again be delayed. The game was already delayed for five years â€”making the upcoming game's fanbase a little antsy.

The complaint was filed against Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) and Roberts Space Industries (RSI). Both companies were co-founded by Chris Roberts. Polygon mentioned that CIG and RSI stated in December of 2016 that they would no longer be using the CryEngine developed by Crytek. Instead, both developers would be moving on to use Amazon's Lumberyard Project.

Crytek, however, claimed that CIG and RSI had not followed through with their words, and had continued to use the CryEngine instead of moving on like they had claimed. It was revealed through the game's code, that it was coding from the CryEngine.

The lawsuit against CIG and RSI states that they removed the CryEngine logo and tampered with or modified the engine to fit their needs. The tampering of the CryEngine is a breach of their licensing agreement with Crytek.

According to IGN, things only get worse from here on out. Aside from getting accused of breaching the licensing agreement, Crytek also claims that CIG and RSI broke a confidentiality agreement by sharing information regarding the CryEngine with a third party.

Polygon reached out to the "Star Citizen" team, Crytek, and Amazon for comments on the lawsuit.

Representatives from CIG and RSI acknowledged Polygon and voiced out their thoughts regarding the recent lawsuit and the accusation that has recently been thrown at them.

CIG and RSI stated that they already knew about the lawsuit, but that they would fight to defend themselves. They went on to state that they have not used the CryEngine in a long time and have been faithfully using Amazon's Lumberyard for their game.