CSW Calls for Renewed International Pressure to Bring About Release of Cuban Prisoner

Christian Solidarity Worldwide has made a call to the international community to bring new life to its efforts in obtaining the release of human rights activist, Dr Oscar Elías Biscet on Dec. 6th – the third anniversary of his imprisonment in Cuba.

|TOP|Last month CSW received reports that Dr Biscet’s health has continued to deteriorate in Combinado del Este Prison, where he is currently being held. CSW report that Biscet is receiving “harsher restrictions” than other prisoners being held there.

Biscet’s wife, along with his parents, have recently signed an open letter stating that Dr Biscet has been placed in a “maximum Severity System: Phase1” due to his continued refusal to wear the uniform of a prisoner.

Part of his punishment for this, Biscet has had his family’s visiting times reduced to two hours every four months, and prison authorities are currently in talks about maker the restrictions even harsher, report CSW.

Despite Biscet suffering from hypertension, chronic gastritis and high cholesterol, his family has reported that the prison is refusing to permit the items of food they specially deliver for his condition.

One further concern that the family has highlighted has been the fact that Biscet is only allowed access to outside areas into sunlight once every 8 to 10 days, and his cell is frequently without any water at all.|AD|

The closing statement of the family’s open letter commented, “We pray to God that He would touch the hearts of many good people in the world. Please help us to remove him from the human misery into which they [the Cuban government] have put this humble, black, Christian man, the father of two children, a physician and human rights activist who so loves humanity.”

The Christian Solidarity Worldwide Chief Executive, Mervyn Thomas concluded, “We are saddened by the need to observe this three year anniversary; however, while the Cuban government may hope that, with the passage of time, members of the international community might lose interest in Dr. Biscet, we are committed to ensuring this does not happen.

“CSW continues to call on the UK government as well as on the European Union to be persistent in raising Dr. Biscet's case, as well as the cases of the many other human rights and democracy activists in Cuba, with the appropriate authorities. We join with Elsa and Dr. Biscet's parents in their prayers for Oscar's freedom.”