CSW calls on Pakistani authorities to return abducted Christian girls to family

Christian Solidarity Worldwide has urged the Pakistani Government to take action to ensure the return of two abducted Christian children to their family.

Anila and Saba Masih, aged 10 and 13 respectively, were abducted in southern Punjab, Pakistan on 26 June, while on the way to visit their uncle.

They are subsequently reported to have been forced to convert to Islam, whilst Saba was married off to one of the abductors.

CSW's National Director Stuart Windsor said: "This is a tragic case and it is essential that the authorities intervene to secure the release of these two children and their safe return to their family.

"Their abduction, the local authorities' lack of action, and an increase in similar abductions and forced conversions in recent months is creating a climate of terror and a culture of impunity which must be challenged.

"We call on the international community to raise this case with the Government of Pakistan as a matter of urgency."