CSW Chief Executive Appointed Chair of New Religious Liberty Partnership

In a historic move, fifteen key organisations that work with the persecuted church around the world have launched a global network to improve international collaboration.

Meeting earlier this month in Amsterdam, Holland, the group formed the Religious Liberty Partnership (RLP), with charter organisations that include Christian Solidarity International, Open Doors International, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Voice of the Martyrs (Canada), and the Religious Liberty Commission of World Evangelical Alliance.

"In this complicated world, where the persecuted church is still growing, we need to work together to accomplish the task," said Johan Companjen of Open Doors International. "It will take commitment and dedication, but if we want to be good stewards of the Lord's money, partnering with other groups is the way to go forward."

The partnership will meet annually while a leadership team of five will oversee the work during the year.

Mervyn Thomas from Christian Solidarity Worldwide in UK was named as chair of the RLP leadership team. The new partnership will attempt to coordinate joint activities, share information and avoid duplication of work. Two ongoing working groups were established for 2007 to address advocacy issues and to identify common "Best Practices".

"This is a critical time in the history of religious liberty," stated Glenn Penner, CEO of Voice of the Martys in Canada and coordinator of the Best Practices working group. "Religious freedom, especially for Christians, is threatened across the planet. Like never before, it is vitally important that organisations that work with persecuted Christians not only talk about working together, but that they be seen to be united and actually take steps to act in a unified manner."

Through this unique network the partners believe that the suffering church will receive more relevant help than ever before. "It was so good to see a genuine unity amongst the agencies represented at this inaugural meeting," said RLP Chairman Mervyn Thomas.

"I believe it was more than just rhetoric and was a Holy Spirit inspired desire to work together for the good of our worldwide persecuted family. Working together rather than competing with one another is God's heart and will produce a real synergy in all we do."

New partners are being sought for the global Religious Liberty Partnership effort, with the next formal meeting to be held in Zurich, Switzerland, in March 2008. Brian O'Connell of REACT Services in the USA was appointed facilitator of the RLP for 2007.

"Obviously, the great winners in this important partnership are our suffering brothers and sisters," said Johan Candelin of the World Evangelical Alliance. "It sends a very strong, positive signal to the global church and is a historical milestone, much needed to be able to serve those who are under growing pressure for their faith in Christ."