CSW urges European Community to address religious freedom in China

The Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao began his European tour yesterday amidst calls from human rights groups to address continuing violations of fundamental freedoms.

CSW has asked the British Government to raise a number of issues and cases during the Premier’s visit, not least that of an elderly Christian couple engaged in poverty relief.

According to China Aid Assocation Hua Zaichen, the 91 year-old husband of 79 year old Shuang Shuying who has been incarcerated for her beliefs for almost two years, is extremely unwell, and may be close to death. However, the Chinese authorities are refusing to allow Shuang Shuying to see her husband before he passes away.

Shuang Shuying has been ill for the majority of her time in prison. The family, who are known for their work amongst the poor and oppressed, have been persecuted for years by the Chinese Government.

The case of Shuang Shuying reflects the ongoing repression of Christians in China who operate outside the officially registered church. Some 50 to 100 million Protestants alone seek to avoid the theological and practical constraints imposed by registration and therefore risk being targeted by the authorities.

These restrictions, which clearly violate international standards of freedom of religion and belief, were raised by house church leaders during a recent meeting with the Chinese authorities. This unprecedented gathering, which concluded with an agreement to continue dialogue, has been undermined by continuing arrests across the country.

In December, China Aid Association reported that more than 50 house church Christians were gathered in a home in Taiking County when government officials broke in, arrested them all and confiscated Christian literature. About 20 Christians were sentenced to 15 days of administrative detention and a 1,000 yuan fine, while three were sentenced to one year of re-education through labour.

The pastor of the House Church Alliance, Pastor Mingxuan continues to be harassed, detained and forcibly removed from Beijing, and prisoners like Pastor Li Shengtang , arrested while attending leadership training, are serving sentences solely because of their beliefs.

CSW is calling on the British Government and leaders within the European Union to to remind the Chinese Premier of "the need to see genuine religious freedom" in China.

"Whilst the Chinese Government appears willing to recognise religion, it continues to violate the freedom to manifest one’s religion, despite agreed international standards," said CSW’s Advocacy Director, Tina Lambert.

“For the sake of individuals like Hua Zaichen and Shuang Shuying, it is imperative that China’s dialogue with the house churches leads to an end to restrictions under registration, an end to the imprisonment of people of faith and a genuine commitment to full religious freedom. We urge European leaders to make this a priority during Premier Wen’s visit.”