CWR releases Road to Bethlehem book and DVD for kids

CWR has published a new book and DVD set to retell the nativity in an imaginative and charming way.

Author Louise Cross stays true to the biblical account as she encourages children to discover more about Jesus and why he is such a special baby.

The book is based on the records of Matthew 2 and Luke 2 which tell of the Roman census that makes it necessary for Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary to travel by donkey to Bethlehem.

Children will hear how Joseph and Mary sleep in a dirty stable and the birth of Jesus that very night.

CWR said: Louise Cross writes and illustrates beautifully, and her narration on the animated DVD is charming and funny. Children will be spoilt as they settle upon the books as their favourite and then change their mind and ask to watch the DVD. And then they will want to have the book read them again."

Louise Cross is an experienced children’s worker in her church and has a passion for telling Bible stories in a fun, visual, relevant way.