'Cyberpunk 2077' release date, updates: Game to possibly have 'unique multiplayer gameplay mechanics'

Cyberpunk 2077 artwork.Cyberpunk 2077 website

Many gamers are looking forward to the release of the upcoming role-playing video game "Cyberpunk 2077," given that it is being developed by Polish game developer CD Projekt RED, the same company that made the highly successful "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt." While there is still no word regarding its release date, there are some details that surfaced recently, and the features may (or may not) be part of the game.

According to Game Pressure, CD Projekt RED applied for grants at GameINN, a program led by Poland's National Centre for Research and Development. The program's goal, says the report, is that by the year 2023, they would be able to heighten the competitiveness of the country's gaming industry globally.

The game developer applied for grants for several projects, namely: City Pressure, Seamless Multiplayer, Animation Excellence, and Cinematic Feel.

City Creation is described as: "a complex technology for creating a huge living city, playable in real time, which [the technology] is based on rules, AI, and automation, and supports innovative processes and tools for making top-notch open-world games." Seamless Multiplayer, meanwhile, is: "a complex technology for making unique multiplayer gameplay mechanics, including the ability to search for opponents, manage game session, replicate objects, and support for different game modes along with a unique set of dedicated tools."

There is no confirmation yet on whether these features will be part of "Cyberpunk 2077" or not. However, it has been confirmed that the game developer filed their application for the grants.

"We did apply, I can confirm that, yes," CD Project RED's Robert Malinowski told PC Gamer. "However, we wouldn't like to elaborate beyond what's already there."

It has been more than two years since the last entry in the Cyberpunk Facebook page, and it was only to change the cover photo. The teaser trailer was posted on YouTube in January 2013, but until now, there is no official word about the game's development or when it will be launched.