Dallas Cowboys NFL 2015 news: Tony Romo quits offseason golf to focus on football

Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys can be shown in this file photo.(Reuters)

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo wants to focus more on football after going through back surgery to remove a cyst in 2013 and has not been playing golf publicly for the past three offseasons.

Romo is known to love golf and was even trying to qualify for the U.S. Open also being identified as the best golfer among professional athletes in 2009 by the Golf Digest, ESPN reported.

According to the report, the 35-year-old also stopped playing offseason basketball and soccer which helped him fuel his competitive drive and conditioning in the past offseasons and just focused on his football training.

"Well, I love football. I think what you find is that you love the game of football so much that it's easy to have other things take a backseat," Romo said in a charity event led by his wife according to ESPN.

The four-time Pro Bowler also shared his mindset when it comes to competition.

"I think anybody who knows me well knows that competition is what I thrive on, regardless of what it is in life. I tell my wife sometimes, I'm like, as long as I'm able to compete on a daily basis with something, I sleep well at night. And I thrive on that," Romo explained according to ESPN.

Romo stated that his competitiveness helped him grow as a better player and added as ESPN reported, "That is something that I feel like young players, if they just love competition, you'll consistently want that and thrive under it. When you have that you have a great chance to succeed."

Since he has been limited from his usual sports hobbies, Romo said he is competing with himself.

"It's a battle consistently with myself. Sometimes I win, sometimes my other part of myself wins," Romo stated according to ESPN.