Dallas Mavericks NBA 2015 news: Dirk Nowitzki returns at EuroBasket 2015

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allas Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki will be returning to international competition since retiring from it in 2011 as Germany serves as one of the host countries of EuroBasket 2015 along with Croatia, France and Latvia.

"I've chosen to be in Berlin. I've had the whole month of May and used it to gain some distance and enjoy family time. Of course, I also have consulted the matter with my wife," Nowitzki said according to the EuroBasket website.

Berlin will be the host city for countries participating in Group B of the tournament which includes Germany, Spain, Serbia, Turkey, Italy and Iceland.

The 37-year-old added, "But a EuroBasket in our home country is a huge thing and I look forward to it, I thought it would be a great way to conclude my national team career."

Nowitzki retired from international competition after the 2011 EuroBasket tournament and said if Germany was not chosen as a host this year, he would not have returned.

"If [the EuroBasket tournament] was anywhere else, at the age of 37, it probably would have been a no-go for me. But when I heard that EuroBasket would be played in Berlin, a great basketball city, it was something I had dreamt about," Nowitzki stated according to ESPN.

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who is known to be against players joining international competitions, said he understands Nowitzki's decision to return playing for the German national team.

"I think it's great. Games are being played in Germany. It will be a chance for his fans there to see him play," Cuban said according to ESPN.

Germany head coach Chris Fleming said he is happy with the NBA veteran joining the national squad which will begin training camp in August.

"It's so great that Dirk will support us," Flemings said according to ESPN. "We do not need to talk about his quality as a player on the court, but I cannot emphasize enough how important his presence will be to our younger players.