Damilola Taylor's father to speak at conference on family

The father of murdered schoolboy Damilola Taylor is to join a faith-based conference addressing the destruction of the family and what can be done to rebuild it.

Richard Taylor will be one of the key speaers at the conference, hosted by voluntary organisation 4Women2Women.

Other speakers at the June 6 conference include Keep the Faith magazine's agony aunt, Esther Fenty, family and bioethics consultant for Care charity, Philipa Taylor, and deputy director of PECAN, Steve Rawlins.

They will explore some of the major challenges facing the 21st century family and what solutions the church can offer to halt the breakdown of families today.

Mr Taylor, also founder of the Damilola Taylor Trust stated, "This is an important event. The questions we will ask will allow professionals, mothers, fathers, and children to team up as one community, and provide answers to the present spate of killings and gang culture now plaguing our communities, most especially South East London.

"I look forward to sharing my experience and observations from talking to families in many cities who are experiencing huge challenges that are affecting them, particularly due to knife, gun, and gang crimes."

Conference host and founder of 4Women2Women, Pastor Lurliene Miller, explained, “I am deeply concerned about the family breakdown we are witnessing in our communities.

"Research findings highlight that many of society’s key concerns such as the decline in marriage, divorce, teenage pregnancy, gun and knife crime, gangs have their roots in family breakdown, that’s why 4W2W feel it’s important we discuss this issue.”

She continued, “I believe that God has a specific purpose for the family and it is our responsibility as a Christian community to help society strive for that purpose, even if it is not always realised.”

A panel of single parents will share their experiences and voice their concerns for the family, while counselling will be made available following the conference for delegates impacted by family breakdown.

Pastor Miller added: "We want people to leave this conference informed, challenged and further equipped with tools to help strengthen their families and those of others, whatever state they might be in. Counselling will also be available for people to access following the day so that they can talk through any specific issues they might have.”

On the web:
The 4Women2Women conference takes place on 6 June 2009 at Clubland, Walworth Methodist Church, 54 Camberwell Road, London SE5 from 10am – 6pm. Admission is £8 including lunch & resource pack. Phone 07958 139376 or visit www.4women2women.org