'Daredevil' season 2 news: Season rumored to premiere alongside 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'

Daredevil season 2 posterNetflix

Marvel Studios and Netflix have yet to announce an official release date for "Daredevil" season 2, but according to a report from Comic Book, the series will launch on March 25, the exact same date "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" releases in theaters nationwide.

The report states that this decision to release season 2 on the same day as "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is a deliberate means to continue a "war" between Marvel and DC.

However, as pointed out by Cinema Blend, this is highly unlikely and is most probably a friendly gesture of competition between the two.

Cinema Blend also points out that the coinciding dates will not affect the performance of either show. "Daredevil" fans can watch "Batman v Superman" in the theaters and then binge-watch the entirety of "Daredevil" season 2 afterwards and vice versa.

One will not affect the other, particularly since "Daredevil" is not a one-time viewing program on television that has to be watched live to get the full experience, like the Super Bowl or a Pay-Per-View boxing match.

The report further explains that this coinciding release would not have happened if "Daredevil" was a movie instead of a series on Netflix. As a matter of fact, DC and Marvel had coinciding dates when "Batman v Superman" and "Captain America: Civil War" shared the same schedule of May 6 until the former was given its new release date.

/Film reports that while "Daredevil" season 2 will not affect the ticket sales of "Batman v Superman," it may allow fans of both Marvel and DC to compare the two side-by-side. At this point, however, Marvel has the upper hand in its cinematic universe but DC isn't faring too poorly either with the success of "Arrow" and "The Flash" on the CW.

"Daredevil" season 2 will be introducing Elektra (Elodie Yung) and the Punisher (Jon Berthal). Despite the report, Netflix has yet to announce an official release date and the March 25 schedule should still be considered as a rumor at this point.