Darelene Zschech: Bringing the Worship of God

|PIC1|Hey friends, well, it is a great honour again to sit and write to you. Mark and I and an amazing team of people have just returned from a trip to Cambodia, Indonesia, and Sth Africa, where I just stand in awe at the resilience of the human spirit, as people hourly defy all odds to live another day.

We were in Cambodia with Joyce Meyer, and Delirious, and many variously skilled volunteers as we served together for HopeCambodia - a 30 day intense missions and humanitarian project that like HopeRwanda, just worked in whatever way possible to serve and assist the people and communities of that land. The people were so very hungry for Truth and Hope, just for people to believe in them and speak potential over them was received in very humbling ways. And the worship... well, as Mother Teresa said, 'You'll never know Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you've got'....

These mostly young men and women were so desperate to experience the love of God in a fresh way, that when we started to sing, you could literally see the Word of God coming alive in them in such a unique way. I have learned over years to never ever underestimate the power of a song filled with the Word of God, as when you attach the Word to simple melodies and chords, they have a way of giving strength to the inner man, much like a meal brings strength to the starving. The nourishment that is received is the perfect antidote to discouragement, depression, long-term sickness.... The list is endless but then, so are the possibilities.

At one stage we simply asked the pastors and leaders to come to the front and we just sang the Word of God over them... through tears and laughter, the Spirit of God just poured Himself into these absolute heroes of the faith, who have lived among paralysing challenge for so, so long. I just stood back, and stood in awe at the kindness of God, who is made perfect in our weakness.... And we joined together in the hymn, How Great Though Art. Stunning!

We definitely had problems with government officials, religious affairs police, bomb threats and the like...We had meetings shut down, stadium events cancelled, and through it all, the people were so very gracious and so grateful that we had all come, I never heard ANY complaints from even the poorest of the poor who clamoured over us to get to the vitamin milk we had brought . AT one point we were actually locked INSIDE a theatre compound, in pitch black, while Martin Smith and myself, Stu G, and Nigel Hendroff led worship through the famous Delirious RED megaphone.. and finally that night, after we were allowed to go outside (still locked inside the gates) beautiful, spunky Joyce M had to literally jump over the gates to preach (still using the megaphone).. and SO many who were hungry for truth stayed and sang and listened to the Word of God.. and truly , it was one of the richest nights of worship of my entire life as you simply CANNOT shut down the gospel, no matter how hard many may try, we just sang praise over the city instead!!

One of the most inhumane things I have ever seen was all these divine children, and Mums and babies, who live on a literal dumpsite just outside the city. I actually found out later it is home to around 3000 families... literally on or in the immediate surrounds of the garbage dump. It is dangerous, it is filthy, it is disease ridden... and it is filled with people who will do anything to find recyclables, to meet the expected earnings of 75cents a day. AT night-time when trucks come and dump rubbish, children are often run over and killed as with no electricity, no access to running water etc, but through intense desperation, they try to be the first to the newly discarded rubbish...This is also the place where children are most vulnerable to the ringleaders of child prostitution...they will kidnap even the two year olds to service the most depraved. It was very difficult to leave....

Indonesia was interesting...a muslim country, and we arrived just as the terror threat went up to the highest, and all Australians were advised to leave.. (I've never been great with timing!!) But I believe if you are in the will of God, you're in the safest place to be... and in the end, if you trust God with your life, you've also got to trust Him with your death!! (mmmm, meant to be encouraging you!!) Anyway, again, hunger for God, hunger for righteousness, hunger for freedom... aahhh, it was glorious and yet there was a very tense energy in the air. But once you start to sing, once you start to lift up the praises of God... well, His presence again, so transforming, that it is like watching weights lifted from people.... And the young people kept saying thank you for being BRAVE.

One young man was sharing with us that as Christians just go and serve them, it reminds them that they are not alone, and that God Himself hears every prayer. Again, we were extremely humbled by the generosity and love that came from our hosts, and the thousands of people who turned out to worship with us... Mark (my lovely man) and David Meyer went to visit some of the refugee camps that have been set up to house the hundreds of families displaced through the despair of the continuing mud eruptions that have wreaked havoc for so many. Sometimes when being confronted with overwhelming heartache, the only answer that brings dignity is.. 'this is not your final home....'. There is so much I could tell you, so much about those who live in these such situations, and those who can articulate their feelings, continually talk about God being very close...

And Sth Africa... well, I've been quite a few times over the years, and those of you who know me at all, know that I LOVE LOVE LOVE AFRICA... the whole of it. For three reasons... the people, the people... and the people!!.... And the continent is slowly changing, but HIV is at 25%, and even with ARV's being available to more people, the Aids virus is taking its evil toll on the oh so innocent, and again, swallowing up those who have no access to life saving drugs. Shanty towns, no amenities, prostitution at an all time high.... BUT GOD!! There are SO many great churches and great humanitarian projects simply there, serving and loving people, that it is hard not to see the nature of God at work, even in the midst of what could feel like hell on earth if you are very hungry, very lonely and very ill.

But we again brought the worship of God, allowing the people to rise up and sing their convictions out over the atmosphere... truly grabbing heaven's attention through the genuine prayers and songs. Devotion, Sacrifice, thanksgiving and honour were the continuing themes of the praise that erupted from grateful hearts.. and as always, to lead was a very high honour in my books. We met so many legendary people who have given their lives to serve the poor and we prayed with them and sang with them, and joined hearts with our brothers and sisters... and really had to search our hearts for where does this all fit when you go home?? But it does... we continue to love and to live, just being stewards over all God has placed in our hands for today... and trusting Him to show us the way forward into tomorrow.

So... the challenge is so before all of us.... Love Christ, and love all that He loves... and encourage all of those who are brought to your attention...

Again from Mother Teresa... 'Love the poor'. Do you know the poor of your place, of your city? Find them. Maybe they are right in your own family.'

OK amazing people.... Worship the Lord wherever you can, with whatever you have.... just allow your heart to be involved, so that truth can surely be heard. Love you and totally believe in you.
