'Dark Souls 3' DLC release date news: First expansion rumored to roll out in September

Dark Souls 3From Software, Bandai Namco

"Dark Souls 3" was launched just a few months back and the game's season pass, which players can already purchase on Steam, teases that there will be two DLC expansions coming. According to Game N Guide it is likely that the first expansion will be released this coming September.

According to the report, a September release is the most likely although it is possible that the DLC will launch early and be available by July or August. However, given the level of quality that From Software is known for with their games it is more likely that the DLC will be launched in September to give the developers more time to refine the content.

In regards to the second DLC, it is more likely to launch by early 2017. Both DLC expansions will introduce newer levels, weapons, monsters and quests for "Dark Souls 3."

At the same time they will serve as the official ending to the franchise as the developers have previously stated they will not be working on a sequel or spin-off anytime soon. It was previously reported that From Software is working on three new games, one of which may be a brand new "Armored Core" game. 

Fans speculate that the two DLC expansions will be the biggest the series has ever seen given how they will close the franchise until From Software eventually makes a sequel or spin-off several years in the future and without Hidetaka Miyazaki spear-heading the development as he stated he wants to work on other IPs. 

Although unconfirmed, it is possible that one of the two DLC expansions will allow players to dress up as NPCs, allowing them to trick some of the enemies and safely walk by some of the game's biggest hazards. This was teased when a player did so with the current build of "Dark Souls 3" without any DLC packs installed, reports VG 24/7.