'Dark Souls III' tips: Most difficult boss fights

Dark Souls 3From Software, Bandai Namco

"Dark Souls III" has just landed, and for some hardcore fans, this heralds a return to hack-and-slash gaming. However, the "Dark Souls" franchise has been branded as one of the tough games to play, and "Dark Souls III" is no expection, particularly with boss fights.

Ranking bosses in how difficult they can be overcome is hard to list, since observers and gamers have different ways to tackle each boss fight. However, most agree that one of the most difficult bosses to defeat in the series is the King of the Storm, or The Nameless King. According to GameSpot, although each boss has their own attack and movement patterns, The Nameless King is agile enough that the pattern seems to be lost from time to time. In addition, the enemy has more than enough attack and movement variety that most players, even the hardcore veterans, find it difficult to survive even the first round.

Meanwhile, another boss that players have difficult time with is the Prince Brothers. While most gamers agree that killing one at a time is a preferred choice, it most often fails. When players don't deal enough damage to Lothric the Younger, he will most likely revive Lorian in the process.

While Soul of Cinder is not that difficult in terms of patterns, he has powerful weapons that can take a chunk of the player's health in one swing, which also makes attacking him dangerous. The weapons themselves change patterns depending on what the current wield is on the boss' hands. Each pattern is unique to the weapon, and it may take up to two cycles of the weapons before a rotating pattern can be glimpsed.

In addition, Soul of Cinder in considered one of the toughest bosses in the current installment, since he has two full life bars' worth of health.