Darlene Zschech: Psalm Devotional

|PIC1|PSALM 74:1-23

This is an instructive Psalm of Asaph... so we are to learn from the timeless story of the faithfulness of God. There have been so many times when the people of God have felt forsaken... or when circumstances seem like God has gone deaf to your plea.... Can it be possible that we become forgotten in the heart of God?? Impossible! In fact, the very groan of humanity was the very sound that echoed enough within the heart of God, and with that, Calvary became a reality.

So what do we do when the stretch of'where is God' is almost too much to bear? Well, this is where the true journey of faith starts, because remember, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Unseen hope..... doesn't sound like much, but as I've said before, it's enough that you can hang your life from it.

One of my beautiful friends has been fighting a real battle for a few years now, and at times I will tell you, it was ALMOST too much to bear... but just this week, we received news that the battle is finally over... and she told me a couple of weeks ago, that the way she has grown through this trial, she wouldn't change it for anything! Big words, Big God. Even the faith of a mustard seed is enough.

This is where this psalm starts to change. This is not an ordinary battle. The psalmist is asking God to intervene as this is now way out of his control... the psalmist starts to ask the Lord questions about those who come to the house of God and start to rise up... in fact, they come and absolutely cause havoc, eventually burning the house of God to the ground! The enemy is not known for showing respect or regard for the things of God... the house of God being no exception.

The psalm describes the idols filling the place of worship , the enemy mocking anything that resembles worship or sacrifice.... you can hear the angst in the writing, the humiliation experienced...and the cry.. 'GOD - MOVE by Your mighty hand!' There is one thing when there is trouble coming in from the outside, but trouble from the inside is the worst. Trouble from anything or anyone that is in close proximity is the trouble that has the ability to burn the deepest.But the thing about the enemy that would come to destroy the church... well, try though he may, the Kingdom of God gets stronger and stronger. The cruelty explained in this psalm was deliberate, sincere and deep-seated.. set about to destroy the works of God. But persecution is like fuel on a Kingdom fire... it just seems to burn brighter if we take courage, and don't lose heart.

You know, if it ever seems like God has folded his arms on you, you must never fold your arms on Him... this is where your prayers and your cries, well you must know that they are never insignificant and NEVER unheard.

Listen to 2 Corinthians 4:17-18
'For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.'

Keeping trials in life in perspective is one of the great secrets of life... and learning to lay hold of God until you have received the victory is another. In our quick fix age, we are not good at truly being insistent when it comes to seeing the promises of God being revealed in our lives.

When the psalmist says in verse 12.. 'You are the King from long ago, You bring salvation to the earth'... well this is a powerful turning point in the text. To remember the past miracles of grace that we have experienced again and again, you begin to realise that our all powerful Lord WILL continue to deliver us from evil, no matter how overwhelming it seems at the time. It is the Lord who has done it all....and the word refers to vast evils as various dragons confronting us from the pit of hell, but read the word... the Lord has delivered us from them all.

The psalmist starts reminding God about His former victories over the many elements faced in life... Arise O God... He is reminded of the congregation, all of the individuals who are at risk.... And continues with great stories of Jehovah's miraculous power. Even the lands and the seas receive their boundaries from Him... and as we are experiencing at the moment.... it may have been winter, but spring is on the way!!

The last stanza of the psalm asks for the oppressed to be able to return to their land with their heads held high. As you know, the Lord has always honoured the poor, the broken and the oppressed... and will ever tend to them with absolute grace and the greatest dignity, the psalmist is so passionate about the cause of these people, and we should always take our cue from this heart decision. On your way to victory, never forget those who were broken in the battle......

And finally, the longing is clear here, that the Lord Himself would take centre stage on the battle field, ultimately triumphing over all, putting the dragon to death once and for all...That when the righteous are persecuted and innocent blood is yet again spilled, that we realise that ultimate judgment will be executed, and that the Lord will have the final say.

Well, we never said this journey was for the faint hearted....be brave, full of faith, full of grace, full of kindness..... and when being ridiculed on the battlefield... learn to lay hold of God until you are confident you have been heard.

The journey of faith... what a ride!!

Love you all so

xxxxx Darls

Darlene Zschech
Christian Today Columnist

Darlene Zschech is a renowned singer and songwriter, also the worship pastor of Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. Her best known song "Shout to the Lord" is sung by an estimated 25-30 million churchgoers every week. In 2000, Darlene received a Dove Award nomination for 'Songwriter of the year' and has received the 'International Award' from GMA (Gospel Music Association). Darlene Zschech and her husband Mark are currently serving as executive directors of Mercy Ministries.
