Day of Prayer for Peace in Jerusalem Gathering Christians Worldwide

The International Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem organised with the support of hundreds of Christian leaders from all around the world, representing millions of Christians, will be held on the first Sunday of October 2005.

The global prayer initiative matches with the season of Yom Kippur what means "Day of Atonement" and is one of the most important holidays of the Jewish year. Many Jews will refrain from work, fast or attend synagogue services on this day. The holiday is instituted at Leviticus 23:26. In this way, it will be the first attempt for linking the Christian liturgical calendar with the Jewish calendar.

53,000 local churches, representing 72 nations supported the Inauguration of the annual event held in Jerusalem on 3rd October 2004. A special service was held at the Knesset Rose Garden and four thousand believers came together with the presence of Twelve Israeli dignitaries.

The event was successful and evangelical leaders are now joining together even in greater number, requesting millions of Christians from around the world to participate this year's Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, October 2, which has a goal, by God's grace, of having 100 participating nations, 100 million believers participating and 100,000 churches committed to pray.

The event now, has the "largest known coalition of the foremost Evangelical Christian leaders of influence in the world, all in agreement that now is the time to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem," stated Robert Stearns, who co-chairs the effort with Jack Hayford.

The Assemblies of God (AG) is offering its full prayerful support of the annual Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. "Assemblies of God is recognised as a Movement grounded in prayer," says Thomas E. Trask, GA's general superintendent. "For there to be peace in Jerusalem, God must intervene, prayer can move the hand of God"

"This is a worldwide effort that crosses denominational lines," states Trask as he encouraged Assemblies of God churches to join in the ongoing prayer for Jerusalem. "I believe each Assembly of God church should seriously consider incorporating this day into their calendar of service events."