'Dead or Alive 5 Last Round' online play for PC delayed

Twitter courtesy of Team Ninja

"Dead or Alive 5 Last Round" on the PC will remain without online play for an unknown length of time. The newest delay causing online play to be absent yet again has been attributed to what the game's developer, Team Ninja, is terming as "major issues," though no specifics as to what they are have been provided.

"We apologize for the last-minute notification and regret deeply the trouble we have caused our Steam customers who were looking forward to the online functionality. We will update the website with a new release date as soon as it is set," said Team Ninja in a statement on the delay.

Team Ninja has also announced that it will continue to provide support for the beta version of the game which features online play, according to Gamespot.

For now, Team Ninja is attempting to get around the issues plaguing the game's online play by providing players with detailed instructions on how to recover from any major bugs that may emerge. Once players follow the detailed instructions, they will have the game revert back to an offline-only version.

The problems surrounding online play for "Dead or Alive 5 Last Round" on the PC were observed during the most recent round of beta testing carried out for the game, according to Polygon.

Team Ninja's failure to successfully roll out online play for the PC port of their game meant they have missed out on the self-imposed timeline they have set.

When "Dead or Alive 5" was released in March, Team Ninja said on a patch that online play would follow within three months after the initial launch date.

The latest delay comes on top of other delays already associated with "Dead or Alive 5" after it was initially meant for a February release but was posptponed to March.