'Dead Rising 4' release date news: Launch date leaked in Xbox Store listing after E3 reveal


The launch date for "Dead Rising 4" has been leaked through an Xbox listing after its E3 reveal. Now players are excited as the game will now be slated to be released on Dec. 6.

However, it seems that Microsoft has already rectified this mistake. But enough articles and other sources online have been released to attest to its legitimacy. In any case, according to the Vine Report, an early December launch for this upcoming game fits the time period for Microsoft's Holiday 2016 reveal trailer at the E3 2016 event.

Also, it's very fitting to the game's theme itself, since the game is set around the same time as Christmas. Regardless, the newest "Dead Rising" title will be released three years after its last installment, so players are certainly hyped to whack some zombies once again.

However, most players are shocked at the game's exclusive release for the Xbox One console and Windows 10 PC come December, but according to an interview with Game Spot, Microsoft confirmed that this is only a timed exclusive, so eventually, other platforms will be able to to have "Dead Rising 4."

In Microsoft's official statement, they said that "It ['Dead Rising 4] will remain a Windows 10 exclusive for the first 90 days and console exclusive on Xbox One for one year."

This isn't a new occurence for this game. After all, Capcom and Microsoft had always been close and as such "Dead Rising 3" was an Xbox One exclusive for 10 months, until its PC version was released. As for the PS4 however, it was never released, further solidifying the two companies' relationship.

Regardless of these deals, players are only excited about what the game will offer everyone. With the game's official reveal in E3, the game will once again feature Frank West, the first game's protagonist, revisiting the first game's fictional town of Willamette, Colorado.