'Deadpool' director and producer open to a Spider-Man and Deadpool crossover

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool20th Century Fox Official

Comic book fans have been enjoying Spider-Man and Deadpool team-up stories for quite a while now. For them, the tandem is simply a blockbuster in the making. "Deadpool" director Tim Miller is one step ahead of them.

Miller has revealed to Superhero Hype that they are open to a Spider-Man and Deadpool crossover on the big screen. Together with "Deadpool" producer Simon Kinberg, the filmmaker has "been trying to build bridges" between studios to make it possible.

Kinberg said that they will do whatever it takes for Spider-Man and Deadpool to come together and maybe talk it out with Marvel Studios CEO Kevin Feige.

"I would love to see it. Both of us are close with Kevin, we respect and love Kevin. If it were even remotely possible, we will find a way because we would love to see it," Kinberg said.

Tom Holland as Spider-ManMarvel Studios

At the moment, it is impossible to get Tom Holland's Spider-Man and Ryan Reynolds's Deadpool in the same frame. Fox has the rights on the latter along with X-Men and Fantastic Four characters while Marvel and Sony share the rights on Spidey.

But the fact that the latter studios found a way to bring Spider-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe has many believing that the Spider-Man and Deadpool crossover is possible.

After all, it will be a very lucrative deal when it happens. Spider-Man and Deadpool stories in the comics are very popular with readers and Marvel Comics fans. Add to that the popularity of the Merc with a Mouth and the wall-crawler, it will be a comic book epic.

Of course, Miller and Kinberg's statements do not equate to something official yet. For now, fans can enjoy the solo adventures of the characters in their respective films – "Deadpool" (DVD release) and "Deadpool 2" as well as "Captain America: Civil War" (May 6, 2016) and "Spider-Man: Homecoming" (July 7, 2017).