Deadpool 2 release date news: Cable, Domino, X 23 might be on board; Who gets to play the new Wolverine?

20th Century Fox Official

Everyone is looking forward to the premiere of Deadpool 2. This sequel comes as no surprise as fans have been waiting for the Marvel Cinematic Universe sequel since the first film broke records and jump-started the R-rated superhero craze.

All the anticipation is certainly coming from the possibility that it may see a premiere sometime in 2018.Rumor has it that there will be more characters in the movie. If that's the case, can we expect X-Force to join Wade Wilson? Or who knows, a return of Wolverine. The script for the film is reportedly still in development but Ryan Reynolds, Merc with a Mouth, has already confirmed that Cable will be appearing as a part of Deadpool 2. 

Cable's lover Domino might also show up since a handful of actors like Stephen Lang, Dolph Lundgren, and Ron Perlman have offered their services to the sequel. Not surprisingly, there have been rumors that sequel might feature more of X-Force than just two members and these actors would certainly be good casting choices. 

Lang is busy with the "Avatar" franchise and may not get to play the part. However, a mutant who has been a member of the team in the comic books could have a possible appearance. Yes we are talking about Wolverine. Although fans would love to see Hugh Jackman reprises the role it is believed that a completely different Wolverine will appear.

Game & Guide also reported possibility of a cameo featuring Laura Kinney aka X-23 – the female version of Wolverine, sporting claws and regenerative powers, in the sequel, alongside Cable and Domino.

A release date is yet to be announced for the much-anticipated sequel, but if everything goes to plan, filming may begin in 2017 as soon as the script writing finishes and a scheduled 2018 release certainly makes way.