'Deadpool 2' spoilers: Director Tim Miller talks Cable

Cable as seen in X-Force, Marvel ComicsMarvel Comics

"Deadpool 2" is already in development, thanks to the box office and critical success of the first film, which proved there is room for an R-rated comic book film with today's audience. The sequel will be introducing the character Cable, and director Tim Miller has given a few details regarding their adaptation of the character.

Speaking during a pannel at the Silicon Valley Comic-Con (via Comic Book) the director revealed that he did acknowledge the numerous ideas and concepts coming from the fans and the comic book community regarding how Cable should be portrayed on the big screen.

"I have an idea of what Cable should be from reading the comics," said Miller. "So, someone in Des Moines, Iowa, may have a different idea of Cable from reading the comics. I may not like his idea. I might read it, but I may not do it. I would say I listen to all of them, but I don't look to that to guide me. I look to the comic and why people like these characters."

The director's sentiments indicate that their adaptation may be more faithful to the character's original comic book run back in the 1990s than anything else. Cable has appeared in multiple cartoons and video games but Miller appears to be suggesting that "Deadpool 2" will be drawing inspiration primarily from the character's early appearances.

Cable is not only the recognized leader of the X-Force, a covert band of mutants often hired to do jobs deemed too questionable for the X-Men, but is also the future son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor, Jean Grey's clone, sent back in time. 

Miller also explained that the sequel didn't need to follow the "bigger is better" mantra that so many sequels do. According to the director, "Deadpool" focused primarily on the characters instead of big, expensive special effects and the sequel will, too. Miller pointed out that going bigger wouldn't be sticking true to the character.