Dear to Me But Even Dearer To You

In the letter of Apostle Paul to Philemon, what is it that Apostle Paul is trying make known? If there is something dear to you about another person, there is something inside that is even dearer to Christ.

|PIC1|Finding this is important.

Seeing the good inside of someone, seeing the preciousness that God has placed inside, this is Love, Apostle Paul is speaking of this...

I would have liked to keep him with me so that he could take your place in helping me while I am in chains for the gospel...

Paul speaks of the usefulness of Onesimus to him. That though in prison and in need of someone to look after him, Paul does not confine him even though he himself is confined...

I did not want to do anything without your consent, so that any favour you do will be spontaneous and not forced...

Because of Free Will, Paul wished that Onesimus could be accepted back freely and without forcefulness, so he appeals on the basis of love. Inside of Paul's authority, there is freewill and love, just as there is from God towards us also...

Perhaps the reason that he was separated from you for a while was that you might have him back for good – no longer as a slave, as a dear brother. He is very dear to me but even dearer to you...
- Philemon 1:16

This is one of the most beautiful verses of the letter, perhaps everything that happened, the mistakes, the running away of Onesimus, happened so that this could be turned to good by God...this predestination of love...

With this love of God that is shaping our lives, and is freely given to us, we wish to Love each other...

Dear to ourselves, but even dearer to the Lord. Let us check up on ourselves using these words, so that our love for our God, and our love for each other may grow deeper for each passing day...

Author Unknown