'Death Trash' developer accuses 'FukTopia' of plagiarism

A promotional photo for the game "Death Trash." Death Trash official website

"Death Trash" developer Stephan "talecrafter" Hövelbrinks accused "FukTopia" developers, FreeMinds, of plagiarizing "Death Trash's" description, "Death Trash's" artwork and the name of one of the locations in "Death Trash"  — Fucktopia — which is also the title of the game, "FukTopia," available on Steam.

PC Gamer reported the news about Hövelbrinks accusations on Feb. 28. According to PC Gamer, the similarities between the two games are too uncanny to be considered a coincidence that the "Death Trash" developer called out FreeMinds. Take a look at the tweet Hövelbrinks made showcasing the description of the two game.

Hövelbrinks finds it problematic that the game who had plagiarized his game already has a Steam page and will get an earlier release than "Death Trash." He said in a tweet: "My real concern is that games like these will get earlier released than mine. (I'm just a single developer here and have to come up with my own designs.) ... Could this create a legal problem for me or other hindrances? Should I worry? How to protect me and my game?"

Apparently, Steam users informed Hövelbrinks of the similarities with "FukTopia." After calling FreeMinds on Twitter, he also called them out on the Steam Community, asking them to change their name. FreeMinds replied saying that when they looked for a possible name for their new game, they consulted Google and found that Fucktopia is presented in 11,500 search results and that they realized "Death Trash" did not create the word.

Hövelbrinks replied by saying that he would have dropped the issue if "FukTopia" developers showed remorse but they did not so he asked them again if they will confirm that they did indeed look at his pages when they named their game. He also added that renaming their game would resolve the issue. FreeMinds then replied to Hövelbrinks by asking him if he created the name Fucktopia or he copied it from the 11,500 search results on Google.

Needless to say, Steam users are not amused by FreeMinds' replies. Steam users are now joining Hövelbrinks in calling out the game. Some are even urging the "Death Trash" developer to file legal action against FreeMinds while some are asking Steam to remove "FukTopia" and penalize its developers.