Delirious? fans treated to sneak peek of new Greatest Hits Blu Ray

Delirious? fans gathered at the at the Leatherhead Theatre last night for a preview of the new Blu Ray edition of Delirious’ farewell gig at the London Hammersmith Apollo last year. The live recording is Kingsway’s first ever Blu Ray release.

The high definition screening was joined by former frontman Martin Smith and Les Moir of Kingsway Music.

“We wanted to celebrate 17 years of what Delirious? have done, this adventure and we just thought it would be great to celebrate their achievements and say ‘thank you God’,” said Moir.

Smith said: “This is an amazing occasion to be together once more and coming out this product. Thank you for getting the History Maker (single) to number 4 in the chart.

“This was never about Delirious? Really it was about you guys, about us in a people movement right back in 1992 and God breathed on it, God breathed on the songs, the music.

“He breathed on us all and something extraordinary happened and I know hundreds of stories got back to us over the years of people making history in their own way. That’s an amazing thing for me.”

Smith went on to thank the band and God for looking after them as they traversed the planet touring and visiting outreach projects.

He also shared his excitement for the future.

“There are incredible things happening and it’s never the end. It is always a great beginning. It’s ok to end something because new things come out the ground and I am a great believer in that.”

Smith is now taking a break with his family. Stu G (guitars) and Jon Thatcher (bass) are in a new band called Once Sonic Society (OSS) which will release its new EP in May.

The Delirious Greatest Hits DVD and Blu Ray are out now.

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