Derick and Jill Dillard share adorable photos of Israel David at five months old

Five-month-old Israel David shows his gorgeous blue eyes in this photo posted by his father Derick in his Instagram account.(Instagram/Derick Dillard)

Five-month-old Israel David Dillard has become the light of his parents' eyes even now as the Dillards get busy with running their new Christian ministry in Central America.

On her Instagram account (@jillmdillard), Jill shared a before-and-after photo of Israel David when he was just a month old and now five months old. In the five months old photo, baby Israel flashed a huge smile. She wrote, "Our little man is getting so big! Can't believe he is already 5 months old! This pic is a couple days late...had to find his month stickers since everything is in suitcases! ;-)"

Meanwhile, her husband Derick shared a different photo of Israel on his Instagram account (@derickdillard) that really highlighted the infant's gorgeous blue eyes. "Happy Labor Day from the Dillards!" he greeted his followers.

Derick then shared the Bible verses Colossians 3:23-24, which deals with their new ministry. It says: "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."

Derick and Jill have been very busy taking Spanish classes to better communicate with the people in Central America, and Jill even shared on their blog that they've had their fill of "verbs! Verbs! ...and more verbs!"

"We are enjoying our classes and are so blessed to have each other to bounce questions off since we are taking the same classes," she said. "The way our school teaches is individualised, so we each have an instructor. This really helps us to be immersed and practice conversational Spanish every day. It has opened up good opportunities for both of us to talk about the Bible and pray with our teachers."