Derick Dillard talks about Jill Duggar's labor: I can't even describe right now the anticipation I am feeling

Derick Dillard shares his take on Jill's labor and his understanding of the Bible.Instagram

Derick Dillard, husband of 19 Kids and Counting star Jill Duggar is going to be a father soon, and he admitted that he cannot even describe right now the anticipation he is feeling.

"I am about to get to meet my firstborn son for the first time face to face. So many people have already testified that nothing can quite describe that moment and that I'll just have to experience it for myself," he wrote in the Dillard Family Blog.

Derick actually sees new life everywhere he goes, and he believes that these are exciting times for his son, already nicknamed Baby Dilly to be living in. "But they can also be very fearful times as we look at events around the world, whether they are catastrophic natural disasters, world hunger, political unrest, or just pure hate," he noted.

The expectant father even said that he and Jill still do not know when their son will be born, although they can see evidence that points to his imminent arrival - sporadic labor pains become more consistent and longer lasting. This is the same with the second coming of Jesus, said Derick. 

"This is the perfect picture of how 'end times' events will play out. He is coming again, on a day and hour that only our heavenly Father knows," he said.

But just like the Bible says, there are signs pointing to His arrival. Derick quoted the Bible verses Matthew 26:6-7. It says: "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places."