'Destiny 2' news: Developer Bungie cancels final stream, promises more info

A screenshot of the official image for Bungie's "Destiny 2" game.Bungie Website

"Destiny 2" developer Bungie has decided to cancel the release of the third livestream for the expansion of "Curse of Osiris" amid the public outcry due to issues in the game.

The stream was supposed to be up by Wednesday, but instead, Bungie chose to address the pressing issues of the game, as learned by some players who researched on the matter. David Dague explained that the final stream was supposed to showcase and highlight some weapons of the upcoming "Curse of Osiris" expansion.

"We are investing all our efforts into delivering some higher priority information about 'Destiny 2.' You'll hear from studio leadership about their assessment of Destiny all up, they'll talk about our goals for the game going forward, and you'll also learn about how we're reacting to your feedback with some game updates that will arrive in the next few weeks," Dague added.

The problem had been noticed by players since Thanksgiving, citing the unfair XP system "Destiny 2" has. As such, instead of the third stream, Bungie announced that it will release a statement through a blog post about the unknown XP system, as well as the assessment of the game.

It is still not clear whether any details will be further revealed in the days leading to Dec. 5, which was announced as the date of launch of "Curse of Osiris." In an interview with GameSpot, director Luke Smith divulged that he and Mark Noseworthy, project lead, would be answering questions from players who had been providing some feedback on the game.

Although the actual focus of the statement was not clarified, this might mean a chance to address the XP issue, which was unearthed by a Reddit user who found out that the game was actually restricting in giving out XP.