'Destiny' April Update 2.2.0 to get new patch for Sterling Treasure issues


Bungie dropped the April update for "Destiny" last week to fix some of the existing issues. But it opened a lot of new issues that needed to be resolved, which the game developer acknowledged in an instant.

Players discovered that the April update failed to bring the weekly Sterling Treasure. In the latest Bungie Weekly update 2.2.0, the game developer said that they are already working on the case.

"We're working on a plan to deploy a fix that should do just that (and prevent it from happening again) before the next weekly reset. Pardon the cliffhanger, but we promise to circulate more information when we can guarantee it," community manager DeeJ said in the weekly update.

But Bungie announced via Twitter that they will roll out a new patch on 10 a.m. Monday, April 18, to address the issue. However, the announcement did not include the patch notes.

The issue regarding the missing Clan Tags that are not appearing in-game after getting the April Update 2.2.0 was also discussed. This can be fixed by using the feature called Repair Clan, which can be seen on Bungie.net.

The game developer also mentioned that they are currently looking into reports saying that players are getting less ammunition than expected during some PvE encounters.

Meanwhile, Bungie's community manager also discussed what is next for the "Destiny."

"The next point on the horizon is an update we're cooking up for the Fall. I've seen it. I'm excited about it. I will say no more," DeeJ revealed. "Hopefully, the ramp up to the April Update served up some proof that we love speaking at length about new Destiny content, once it arrives at its final form. Later on this summer, we'll show you the scope, scale, and flavor for the next challenge you'll face."